Sign up now! 2024 Shares are now OPEN!

Thank you for your interest in our 2024 CSA!

Our first weekend will be the weekend of June 14th and the last weekend will be October 25nd which will be 20 weeks of CSA! 

This year we will be offering a produce CSA that will be market style – you can come and shop at the farmstand on Friday, Saturday or Sunday! This will give you more control over what produce you would like and how much, free up our time a little bit and give everybody more quality control. Our Egg CSA will be more or less the same and our meat share will be a once a month pickup instead of a weekly pickup with a pre-order form. (We are still working out the details for the meat.)

We will not be offering half shares or monthly shares and will be doing a limited amount of shares this year.
Our prices will stay the same.

For a full produce season ($30/week) – $600 

For a full egg season ($5/week)- $100

Monthly meat share (with options for chicken, chicken parts and lamb/beef/turkey as available- $20/week) in June, July, August, September and October – $400

Please let me know if you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them for you 🙂

Abigail Houston

610 905 4818